
Functional Food

Is There a Blind Spot in Your Daily Nutrition?

Welcome to the transformative world of functional food at Abundant Health Consulting, where we believe that nourishing your body with the proper nutrients is the foundation for a vibrant and fulfilling life. For nutrition to be functional it must be portable, affordable, simple, safe and sustainable. Since 2006, our team has been affiliated with a global health food company that is the best in class leader in plant-based functional food.

Juice Plus+: Easy, Efficient, Effective, Economical

At the core of our nutrition philosophy is Juice Plus+, a groundbreaking solution that provides an easy, efficient, effective, and economical way to access all the plant-based nutrition your body needs. Backed by extensive research, Juice Plus+ offers a convenient solution for individuals seeking a wholesome approach to health. By harnessing the power of various fruits and vegetables in a convenient capsule or chewable form, Juice Plus+ ensures you receive essential nutrients that contribute to your overall well-being.

Direct to Consumer Convenience

One of the unique advantages of Juice Plus+ is its direct-to-consumer shipping. Direct shipping allows you to enjoy the many benefits of premium nutrition without leaving the comfort of your home. We understand that it can be challenging to get the needed fruits and vegetables in your diet that your body requires for optimal health. With the help of Juice Plus+, fueling your body is made easy with just a few capsules or chewables per day. For convenient, on-the-go nutrition, Juice Plus+ also offers meal replacement shakes and bars that will round out your nutritional protocol.  Juice Plus+ is driven by a commitment to make health more accessible and economical for everyone.

Longevity and Quality of Life

Our ultimate goal at Abundant Health Consulting is to help you live longer and enjoy a better quality of life. The plant-based nutrition provided by Juice Plus+ is carefully crafted to support your overall health, contributing to increased vitality and well-being.

For more in-depth information about Juice Plus+ and its transformative impact on nutrition, we invite you to explore their website linked below. Join us on this journey towards abundant health, where nutrition becomes a cornerstone for a flourishing and vibrant life. 

Learn More

Begin the process of prioritizing your health through nutrition with Abundant Health Consulting at (949) 632-5200.

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